Raphael Bordallo Pinheiro is one of the greatest names, if not the greatest, in the tradition of humoristic drawing in Portugal and Brazil. In his multiple participations in newspapers and magazines, including O Mosquito, Psit!!!, A Lanterna Mágica and A Paródia, were created caricatures - many of which were later on immortalized in stoneware by its creator - which redefined this genre, shaking consciences with a new mischief and irreverence. This legacy is rediscovered by the collection Os Figurões (The Hot Shots), created from the cartoonist António’s drawings: these are pieces which create a fun balance between satire and admiration, manufactured and painted entirely by hand, based on original drawings of one of the largest Portuguese cartoonists. These pieces were created by the intellect and the spirit of scathing remark, featuring the best comedians, paying homage to Bordallo Pinheiro.

The Big Shots (5)

Big Shot Mick Jagger
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The Big Shots

by António Antunes

Big Shot Eusébio
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The Big Shots

by António Antunes

The Big Shots

by António Antunes
